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Warranty on Dehumidifiers

Warranty on Dehumidifiers

Warranty-This is a legal or government-issued document that means a promise or guarantee. The document provides assurance by one party to the other that the defined and specified facts are true. Th...

Troubleshooting a Dehumidifier

Troubleshooting a Dehumidifier

Is your dehumidifier fault and not working? Then you need to make repairs as quickly as possible.  But same as other mechanical devices, dehumidifiers contain very compact and complex inner working...

How to Control and Reduce Mold in Your Home?

How to Control and Reduce Mold in Your Home?

Have you ever woken up one time to suddenly find that a specific area in your house has unsightly spots and patches and the area looks moist? Your house has a mold infestation. However, you need no...

5 Causes of Basement Moisture and How to Fix it?

5 Causes of Basement Moisture and How to Fix it?

Is the basement wet? Moisture in the basement is not a common problem. In fact, the basement is a well-known dark and humid place. However, no matter how common, moisture in the basement can be bad...